Evolving Faith: Lessons from Jesus and Contemplative Spirituality

News + New Good Things from Tia Norman

"Relationships are the primary way in which the universe shapes and reshapes itself. In our encounters with one another, we find our true selves."

-Fr. Richard Rohr

Peaceful, Centered + Connected

Much of the great undoing and unknowing in the spiritual—and thus human—journey involves reframing our relationship with God and one another.

My work often involves accompanying those transitioning from the center of their religious traditions to the edge of a new way of knowing.

A key part of this process involves listening for language that reinforces a belief in separation—the idea that God is distant from the immediacy of life.

Contemplative spirituality and meditations help reignite and reestablish an awareness of our union with the Divine and each other.

Here's how...

How Do Contemplative Practices Impact Your Prayer Life?

Your connection with God moves from:

Transactional to relational

Outer authority to inner trust

Words to silence

Absence to Presence

A need for certainty to an openess to mystery

Fixated to free

A New Way to See the Good News

A new way to see the Good News is a short passage that may offer a fresh perspective or insight into the ancient collection of poems, letters, and stories known as the Bible.

"The Law says . . . but I say"

- Matthew 5:21-48

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus repeatedly offers a reinterpretation of the religious beliefs of his time (the Law). He also omits problematic verses from his own tradition, such as when he leaves out the final line of Isaiah 61:2 in Luke 4:18-19. The audience would have known the missing phrase: “to proclaim a day of vengeance from our God,” but Jesus instead ends with, “proclaims the Lord’s day of favor.”

If Jesus' faith evolved and expanded beyond the religious ideals of retribution of his day how might that influence our collective beliefs here and now?​​​​​

Until next time.

Grace + Ease,


New Virtual Course Begins September 28th

Building Your Contemplative Toolkit: Essential Practices for a Balanced Life

Tools for Healing and Transformation

Interested in learning more about the way contemplative spirituality and practices can transform your relationship with yourself and others and their connection to the human experience? Join this month's virtual learning cohort.

What You'll Experience

An immersive live virtual course where we explore transformative practices that connect your mind, heart, and body. This course allows us to experience and grow together in real time.

Join Me for the First Black Contemplative Prayer Summit

I’m incredibly excited about—the First Black Contemplative Prayer Virtual Summit, happening on February 22nd and 23rd, 2025. This summit is close to my heart, as it brings together Black spiritual teachers and thought leaders to explore the deep connections between prayer, activism, and community.

This summit is designed for everyone, led by Black voices, and aimed at diversifying the contemplative space

It's more than just an event—it’s a space where we can gather, learn, and grow together. You’ll hear from voices that resonate with the richness of our shared experiences and gain practical insights on how to weave contemplative practices into your everyday life.

Why This Matters:

  • You’ll receive wisdom from Black spiritual leaders who offer fresh perspectives on prayer and practice.
  • You’ll discover practical ways to nurture your inner life, which impacts how we show up in the world as people of color.
  • You’ll explore how contemplation can be a powerful tool for social activism.
  • And, perhaps most importantly, you’ll connect with a community that shares your commitment to spiritual growth and social change.

Special Offers Just for You:

  • Early Bird Registration is just $99 until December 15th.
  • Exclusive BOGO Offer: If you register before October 15th, you can bring a friend for free. It’s my way of saying thank you for being part of this journey with me.

And don’t worry if you can’t make it live—all the sessions will be recorded, so you can watch them at your own pace.

I truly believe this summit will be a transformative experience, and I’d love for you to be part of it. Please help spread the word and forward along to those who might appreciate this offering.

Reference: Center for Action and Contemplation Daily Meditations, January 10, 2019

Know someone that may appreciate this? Forward along and suggest they subscribe.
Not your cup of tea? Unsubscribe · Preferences

P.O. Box 212 Fresno, TX. 77545

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News + New Good Things from Tia Norman Contemplation is the root of prayer, and questions are the seeds of wisdom. The two together invite us to a deep relationship with life’s mystery. -Unknown Peaceful, Centered + Connected One thing that has always struck and stayed with me as I've taken deep dives into theology, the spiritual journey, and various periods where I've felt drawn by something bigger than me and also lost at the same time is how Jesus often responded to questions with...

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