7 Questions I Ask Myself To Start Each Month

News + New Good Things from Tia Norman

Contemplation is the root of prayer, and questions are the seeds of wisdom. The two together invite us to a deep relationship with life’s mystery.


Peaceful, Centered + Connected

One thing that has always struck and stayed with me as I've taken deep dives into theology, the spiritual journey, and various periods where I've felt drawn by something bigger than me and also lost at the same time is how Jesus often responded to questions with questions. He taught by responding to curiosity with curiosity.

I lean into this wisdom and practice at the beginning of most months and try to remember it day-to-day. My planner is half calendar half creative outlet and I create space there each month to respond to these seven questions. The questions came to me over time as I learned that antiquated beliefs are not serving me very well. Sharing the questions here with an invitation to make them your own.

7 Questions I Ask Myself at the Start of Each Month

👑 What am I affirming? An affirmation is a way to work an old thought out and a new thought in.

🏋🏼‍♀️ Where do I need to ask for support? Any other recovering "I'll just take care of it myself-ers out there?" This one's for us.

🧍🏽‍♀️🧍🏽Who am I partnering with? See the note above about doing everything yourself. (I'm a work in progress ya'll)

🫴🏽 What am I open to receiving? This is my favorite one because I have a little ritual for it. I close my eyes, take a few deep breaths hold this question in my heart, and wait to see if anything comes up. I'm always surprised by what arises.

🎁 What am I offering? This aligns with a state of reciprocity.

🧑🏽‍🍳 What am I practicing? New practices can become new habits.

What am I questioning? Well, I said a little about this already, and here are some quotes about questioning that feel like a "yes" to me.

In the end, we don't find answers as much as we live into the questions themselves, allowing them to transform us.
Richard Rohr

"Questions are places in your mind where answers fit. If you haven't asked the question, the answer has nowhere to go."


Clay Christensen

"Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are written in a foreign tongue."
— Rainer Maria Rilke
"To ask the right question is already half the solution of a problem."
Carl Jung

What would you add to your list? Reply, I'd love to know.

A New Way to See the Good News

A new way to see the Good News is a short passage that may offer a fresh perspective or insight into the ancient collection of poems, letters, and stories known as the Bible. In the Gospels, Jesus is recorded asking over 300 questions. These questions often serve to engage people in deeper thinking, provoke reflection, challenge assumptions, and reveal deeper spiritual truths.

If you were to engage in the practice of answering questions with questions how would you respond to any one or all of these?

"Who do you say that I am" - Matthew 16:15

"What do you want me to do for you?" - Luke 18:41

"Why are you so afraid?"- Mark 4:40

"Why are you thinking these things in your hearts?" - Luke 5:22

​​​​​​​​Until next time.

Grace + Ease,


5 New Good Things To Nurture Your Inner Life

One-to-one visits for October are available and can be scheduled here.

A Creative Outlet That's Helped Me as I Accompany Others

My friend Sarah King is a Healing Arts Practitioner and her Hats of for Helpers Membership has been a staple in my owntoolkit of practices for years now and served as the creative opening that led to the planner that holds my seven questions each month.

The membership has helped me put creative steps behind strategy for things like the Black Contemplative Prayer Summit and helped me gain clarity around things that I wrestle with. She's recently opened a window for others to join. Art skills are not required just an open heart. You can learn more about this offering ​here​.

Early Bird, Buy One Get One, Registration for the Black Contemplative Prayer Summit ends on October 15th.

Join us for a transformative experience at the First Black Contemplative Prayer Virtual Summit, where we bring together Black spiritual teachers and thought leaders to lead a powerful and enriching dialogue on prayer and practice. This summit is designed for everyone, led by Black voices, and aimed at diversifying the contemplative space.

I'm Guiding a Practice October 24-27

I’ll be speaking at the Second Annual Contemplative Summit October 24-27. 

This event brings together top spiritual teachers and thought leaders to explore all aspects of interior life. I’ll be joined by teachers like James Finley, Suzanne Stabile, Ronald Rolheiser, Kaira Jewel Lingo, and more!

Best of all–it’s FREE!

Whether you join us live or watch the replays later, this summit will be enriching. 

Inner Work Cohort from a Contemplative Colleague

Andrew Lang and I connected during the height of the pandemic thanks to a shared curiosity about embodiment and spiritual practices.

He has put together an offering designed to alleviate exhaustion from collective moments of intense emotional and energetic charge. It can be challenging to stay intentional, to remain present, and to honor the needs of our bodies in the midst of all this.

He's offering an Inner Work Cohort that begins on October 6th to build practices that fit who we are and expand our capacity to be with the energy of this moment without freezing, checking out, or reacting in non-centered ways. Learn more about Andrew's cohort ​here​.

Stay Grounded.

Stay Centered.

Stay Connected.


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