Embracing Singleness: Your Divine Role in Systemic Change

News + New Good Things from Tia Norman

There's no place in you where you stop and God begins.

-Cynthia Bourgeault

Peaceful, Centered + Connected

A familiar uncertainty is finding its way to the surface. Our collective gaze is once again intensified and placed on the political climate in the United States as the 2024 election approaches. It is easy to focus on the dysfunction within our political system, and it is also important to remember that we can shift our gaze to the power of one single person as a means to heal what is fragmented within our communities.

I realize "one" and "single" are redundant here. That's on purpose. When I say "one," I mean an individual. Like you. Like me.

When I say "single," I'm speaking of an individual who is in union within oneself.

In her book, The Meaning of Mary Magdalene, Cynthia Bourgeault writes that a single person is one who "either by sudden spiritual insight or by a long, tough slog through the minefields of ego has unified the finite and the infinite in oneself...so that there is one Heart, one Being, one Will, one God, all in all."


It's one of the earliest Aramaic titles applied to Jesus, ihidaya - the single one. It’s not a reference to his dating life. It's a reference to his full humanity, wholeness, and unified conscious state. Bourgeault goes on to say that, "In this singleness, the world does not pass away, but one is able to live in it as master from an infinite generativity of the One."

My experience continues to reveal how religious teachings emphasizing individual sin, as opposed to the sin hidden in our systems (and how Jesus was killed by the hands of the political and religions systems of his time), are one of the greatest hindrances to creating the change we wish to see.

Focus on individual sin strips a person of their connection to their own divinity, and that divine energy is the very energy needed to create lasting systemic change. If someone has been taught that their personal sin is the problem, that they are bad, how can they even get to a baseline of good? This creates a subtle and perhaps even unconscious underlying predicament: if an entire system needs fixing, what good can one sinful individual be?

When what is taught is that your inherent state is sinful in nature, individual sin becomes one of the greatest obstacles to accessing the power within oneself to create a more loving and just world.

Sin, within the context of scripture, is more about a system than one person, and yet over and over again, the stories tell of how one single person can send shockwaves that shift an entire system toward greater good.

One single Jesus.

One single Mother Mary.

One single Rosa Parks.

One single Nelson Mandela.

One single Greta Thunberg.

One single Malala Yousafzai.

One single...you.

A New Way to See the Good News

A new way to see the Good News is a short passage that may offer a fresh perspective or insight into the ancient collection of poems, letters, and stories known as the Bible.

"If you can find one person who deals honestly and seeks the truth I will forgive this city.” "

- Jeremiah 5:1

One single person seeking truth can be a pathway to love for an entire community. ​​​​​

Until next time.

Grace + Ease,


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